Friday, September 18, 2009

Two Month Check-Up...blood, sweat and tears

Noah David (and Mommy) survived his 2 month check up...but not without blood, sweat, and tears. Noah David doesn't "bleed well", so he had his 3rd PKU done in addition to 4 shots on Thursday. The PKU started it with a heel prick and then about 5 minutes of the nurse trying her best (very sweet nurse, too) to get enough blood for them to test. Following those tears, Noah David had worked himself into a good sweat, and then had to have his 4 shots. I believe all of this hurt his feelings as much as it hurt him. It is terribly sad to see, and after about 5 long minutes of consoling and nursing him, he calmed down. He had a slight fever and didn't feel well the rest of the day, but today he was all better! Whew!

Despite all of that, he is a healthy, growing boy, and we are so thankful! He weighed 15 pounds and 8 ounces and is 24 and 3/4 inches long! He's in the 90th percentile for height and 95th percentile for his weight. BIG BOY! We love our pediatricians, and are thankful for a wonderful staff to go along with them!

I could not help but think about how the Lord must feel when He allows necessary pain in our lives, knowing that there are long term benefits and that it's for good...and for His purposes. I could never imagine just standing there trying to soothe Noah David getting hurt if I did not believe and know that he was being hurt for his good and for his protection. As an infant, of course, he does not see this or know this. Just as we, God's children, do not see and cannot see all that God has in store and planned for us. Pain is necessary in our journey as Believers, to help us grow, to keep us healthy, and to keep us reliant on the Almighty Father we serve. As tough as it may be, and as much as we may cry, sweat, and bleed over encouraged, our Father loves us dearly, has a plan, and sees far more than we can imagine.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving us like you do and for caring enough about us to allow difficulty in our lives for our good and ultimately that we may serve and glorify your Name!

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